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IntegrART/common projects:

Our first big common project as the new IntegrART7 team was the International Volunteer Day on December 5th, which this year took place in the LO27 High school. The whole day was designed to inform the students about volunteering opportunities with the goal to motivate them to apply for a mission themselves. For that, we prepared a presentation about the ESC program, different booths to exchange with us any topics related to volunteering, as well as a fresco for the students to get creative.

Shortly before Christmas, Daniel had his first concert in Dworek with his own songs as well as some covers. The best part, though, were the couple songs we performed all together. It was an amazing and fun experience that brought us even closer together and will definitely be repeated!

We also continued the initiative from the previous team and started to organize monthly international board game events in Dworek, which are very successful and a nice opportunity to meet new people and discover new games.

Honoring Poland being 20 years in the EU and also our project as a result of this union, we had several big projects going on in March. The first was an interview with DworekTV. We interviewed each other about or home countries and cultures but also our experiences with and perceptions on the European Union. The second project for this occasion was a live podcast in Jazzkultura Radio. Daniel, Mila, Anastasia and I sat together for an hour and exchanged about social and political issues, the EU and our IntegrART project, but also just about our private life in Krakow. Since this was the first time anyone of us has done a TV interview and except for Daniel, no one has recorded a podcast before, we were all quite nervous but also very excited. It was an overall amazing and super interesting experience and the results has turned out pretty great. Stay tuned for more!

All of these activities of course have to be shared on social media. I have found great pleasure in recording and cutting reels for the IntegrART Instagram and Facebook or summarizing bigger events on our blog.

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Grupa 6 osób na środku zdjęcia. 4 kobiety i 2 mężczyzn. 3 osoby siedzą na żółtej kanapie, za nimi stoją 3 osoby, w tym dwóch mężczyzn pod parasolem. Kanapa jest ustawiona w parku w jesiennej scenerii, dookoła drzewa i brązowe liście.
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